How Canada Works’: What We Do and Why We Do It
How Canada Works’: What We Do and Why We Do It, Peter Mansbridge and Mark Bulgutch
A common lament among opposition politicians in Canada today is that the country is ‘broken’. But the authors push politics aside to make the case that Canada at ground level on a day-to-day basis continues to hum along smoothly. As they did in a previous book – also a national best-seller - Mansbridge and Bulgutch open their pages up to first-person accounts from Canadians who, by virtue of their jobs and related responsibilities, keep things functioning smoothly for others in their communities and sometimes far beyond. Some of those subjects include chief of an Indigenous reserve, a funeral director, a space agency engineer, and a junior hockey coach as preoccupied with the character of his young charges as he is with their abilities. The inspiring common bond: an interest in the greater world and well-being of everyone around them, not just themselves.